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The BPPS-001 manual contains a 107  page step by step guide to building this large, 3 masted haunted sailing ship from your own bricks.  Based loosely off the game version, it’s a “proper” Pearl!  Each side has 11 working gun ports, detailed lower tiled deck with brig, under cabin hold for rum and treasure.  Upper tiled deck with detailed forecastle, stairs to lower deck, double stairs to poop deck, rails, under stair gun ports, captain’s cabin with desk and details, poop deck with glass dome that sees down into the capt’s cabin.  2 crows nests, 2 working anchor turnstiles to lift and lower the large Starboard and Leeward Anchors, and multiple details straight from photo ref of the real ship.  CD also contains a complete parts list you will need, and photo stills of the completed build.
Price - $21.99 US