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The GLDNHL-001 manual contains a giant 248  page (3 pdf books) step by step guide to building this large masterfully detailed Golden Hall from your own bricks. An 8 month project,  based off  reference images straight from the film, (yet scaled down just a tad), it’s still a huge detailed replica.  
This is a MODULAR build, the roof is constructed in three lift off sections to access the completed interior, which contains:  
Main hall, fire-pit and large pillars with king’s throne and hand’s stool.  King’s table, large guest table, ale barrel station, stone fireplace, king’s side bedroom with bed and chest of drawers, torches, alter with fire pots, upper windowed guard stations, lookout tower, and tons of other details!    Files also contain a complete parts list of what you will need, and photo stills of the completed build.
Price - $18.00 US